Semi-Intensive Language Program

Semi-Intensive Language Program

No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur...

Intensive English Program

Intensive English Program

Rather than simply dispensing medication, pharmacists are increasingly expected to be compensated for their patient care skills.

Intensive English Program

Intensive English Program

Rather than simply dispensing medication, pharmacists are increasingly expected to be compensated for their patient care skills.

Intensive English Program

Intensive English Program

Rather than simply dispensing medication, pharmacists are increasingly expected to be compensated for their patient care skills.

Afati i aplikimit: 12 Qershor 2019

Afati i aplikimit: 12 Qershor 2019

ASPA kërkon të kontraktojë trajnerë për dhënie trajnimi në fushën: “Menaxhim i Burimeve Njerzore”. Kriteret minimale për dhënie trajnimi janë: Diplomë “Master i Shkencave” ose “Master i arteve të bukura” apo të barasvlefshme me to dhe 3 – 5 vite përvojë pune në fushën përkatëse. Të interesuarit të dërgojnë në adresën e email-it: një...

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