Sokol Dedja

Sokol Dedja

Mjeshtër Trajnimi Z. Dedja është diplomat karriere me gradën Ministër Këshilltar. Prej 18 vitesh, ka mbajtur funksione të ndryshme që lidhen me marrëdhëniet mes Shqipërisë dhe Bashkimit Evropian. Deri në janar 2021 ka ushtruar detyrën e zv. Ministrit për Evropën dhe Punët e Jashtme të Republikës së Shqipërisë, i ngarkuar me çështjet që lidhen me...

Tuesday October 29th, 2019Friday March 11th, 2022by
Vanina Jakupi

Vanina Jakupi

Master Trainer Vanina Jakupi Kalemi is graduated from the Faculty of Economy, University of Tirana (2007) where she was awarded as an excellent student. Later she attended postgraduate specialization with very good results in Business Administration (2010). Back in 2015, she was awarded the title of PhD in Public Finance Management. Vanina has also completed...

Tuesday October 29th, 2019Friday March 11th, 2022by
Elida Motro-Iljazi

Elida Motro-Iljazi

Mjeshtër Trajnimi Elida Motro-Iljazi është drejtore ekzekutive dhe themeluese e “EMI Coaching and Consulting” (, një kompani e angazhuar për të përmirësuar performancën e individëve dhe ekipeve në tregun e punës në Shqipëri dhe jashtë saj. Ajo po mbaron doktoraturën në Eisenstadt Austri për Burimet Njerëzore, (2017-) pas Studimeve të Burimeve Njerëzore nga Universiteti Cornell...

Tuesday October 29th, 2019Friday March 11th, 2022by
Aleksandra Kasmi

Aleksandra Kasmi

Master Trainer Leadership and Management Consultant; Executive Coach on Personal & Professional Development; non-conformist trainer for middle and top management; consultant on professional & financial empowerment of women. Aleksandra comes with a long of experience in leading and managing international companies in the region and South East Asia, furthermore she has more than 10 years...

Tuesday October 29th, 2019Friday March 11th, 2022by
Edlira Gjoni

Edlira Gjoni

Master Trainer Ms. Edlira Gjoni is a communications professional in Albania, a lecturer at Tirana University and a fellow at the McCain Institute in Washington DC. “Do what is right, not whatis easy!” She is involved internationally as a communications expert, known for her expertise in challenging projects and character driven leadership. Her academic background...

Tuesday October 29th, 2019Friday March 11th, 2022by
Application deadline: November 6, 2019

Application deadline: November 6, 2019

ASPA is looking for curriculum design expert and training delivery expert in the field of “Financial Statement”. The minimum criteria for curriculum design expert are to have a degree “Master of Science” or “Master of Fine Arts” or equivalent, according to the legislation of higher education and more than 11 years of work experience in...

Friday October 25th, 2019Wednesday October 7th, 2020by
Application deadline: October 29, 2019

Application deadline: October 29, 2019

ASPA is looking for training delivery expert in the field of “Office Suite”. The minimum criteria for delivering training expert are to have a degree “Master of Science” or “Master of Fine Arts” or equivalent, and 3-5 years of work experience in the relevant field. The applicant should send a CV and a letter of...

Tuesday October 22nd, 2019Friday October 9th, 2020by
Application deadline: October 16, 2019

Application deadline: October 16, 2019

ASPA is looking for curriculum design expert and training delivery expert in the field of “Risk management”. The minimum criteria for curriculum design expert are to have a degree “Master of Science” or “Master of Fine Arts” or equivalent, according to the legislation of higher education and more than 11 years of work experience in...

Thursday October 10th, 2019Thursday October 8th, 2020by
Application deadline: October 11, 2019

Application deadline: October 11, 2019

ASPA is looking for training delivery expert in the field of “Statistics”. The minimum criteria for delivering training expert are to have a degree “Master of Science” or “Master of Fine Arts” or equivalent, and 3-5 years of work experience in the relevant field. The applicant should send a CV and a letter of interest...

Saturday October 5th, 2019Friday October 9th, 2020by