Photo of Cthulu

Blerina Raça

Master Trainer

Blerina Raça has more than 20 years of experience in the EU integration process of Albania. She has been active in many projects supporting the Albanian institutions in this path, thus being part of and accompanying all the steps Albania has made in the process (starting with the SAA up to the preparations for EU accession negotiations).

Blerina Raça has a wide exposure to numerous fields of European Integration process, approximation of national legislation to the acquis and the respective structures. Specific experience with teams working on EU management process and horizontal coordination, translation of EU acquis and stakeholder’s participation as well as in harmonisation of laws and regulations regarding competition, state aid, consumer protection, company law, etc.  Experienced in cross border cooperation and has contributed in enhancing and improving the cooperation and regional dialogue on EU integration.

 Blerina Raça is a long-term collaborator of Albanian School of Public Administration and is continuously engaged in the strengthening the public official capacities on EU integration.

She holds a Degree of Master of Business Administration from University of Tirana in collaboration with the University of Nebraska Lincoln. She has been responsible for and has given a great contribution in the preparation of several methodologies and valuable publications on EU integration process.